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Big Write Big Writing Teaching Materials Lessons Planning Creative Writing

Big Write Big Writing Teaching Materials Lessons Planning Creative Writing

During my time as a teacher, I enjoyed doing a Big Write or Big Writing. I’ve gathered all my materials together. I liked it as it kept the children occupied all week, leading to a big write on Friday Mornings. There’s some great ideas and powerpoints in here. I’ve included a lot of Greek Myths stuff as I remember this as the best Big Write. sample : To understand the features of myths Introduce the topic of Myths and Legends. Mind map any ideas about ‘myths’ children already have. Explain that the class will be building up their own myth. With each group working on a different aspect of the myth. Show success criteria – list of features of a myth. Read Theseus and the Minotaur, pick out the different features of the myth, evident in this story. Each group will discuss and write ideas for each section. LA (Supported by Ta) Group 1: Describe the hero of the myth. Group 2: Describe the monster of the myth. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes. If this was a full lesson: Put together all the different groups’ ideas to build a storyboard for the class myth. As a class, decide on a title for our class ‘myth’. Children can: identify all the features of myths Features of a ‘myth’ · When and where is it set? · A hero/heroine · What is the problem? · Does the hero have special powers? · Fantastical beast · The hero’s journey · The conflict · The solution · How does it end? · Is it interesting? MA (Supported by ta) Group 3: Describe the setting of the myth. Group 4: Describe the journey the hero will make. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes. HA (Supported by Ta) Group 5: Describe the problem the hero will face. Group 6: Describe the resolution to the problem. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes.
Back to School Science  Year 5 Healthy Eating Scurvy Worksheet Powerpoints

Back to School Science Year 5 Healthy Eating Scurvy Worksheet Powerpoints

8 powerpoints and 4 word documents. Nice scurvy worksheet. Fun games on Science. Sample planning below. You get a lot more in full product. Begin by discussing ‘science’ with the class. What do they think of the subject? Can they name any important scientific skills? Introduce topic and ask children what they think the word ‘health’ means. Talk with talk partners. Children to find definition in dictionary and write class definition on strips of paper for display wall. Lead into a class discussion on keeping healthy; can the children predict what sorts of topics we might we might be covering? Can the HA children predict what SC1 investigations we might be carrying out? Introduce children to the resources which will be available to help them during this topic; the working wall plus table mats. Explain that each science topic will have a topic page and a glossary. This glossary gives the definitions of important vocabulary which they will come across during the unit. Activity One Children to feed back and complete class prior knowledge map. (Even if facts are not correct, add them on and clear up misconceptions throughout unit.) Children could add to their own map in a different colour any facts they have not got, which their peers suggest. Plenary Children to write some questions they would like us to find out during topic. Add to display and ensure they inform further planning. Homework: Children to bring in food labels for next lesson. Explain that we are going to look at the affect of our diet (what we eat) on our health and growth. Ask the class, What are your favourite foods? What foods would you eat all the time if you could? Ascertain that it might not be a good idea to live on just a few foods such as chips and that we need a variety of foods in order to function properly. Scan in some food labels. Display the food labels that the children should have brought in from home. What information do we find on the labels? Make a list of some of the key words on the labels. Why do manufacturers put information on food?
Maths KS2 Bundle Half a Million Fractions Questions Patterns Simplifying Fractions

Maths KS2 Bundle Half a Million Fractions Questions Patterns Simplifying Fractions

3 Resources
Maths Bundle of worksheets. Includes: Half a million (500000) Fraction Questions Worksheets (Half a million (500000) Fraction Questions on 100 worksheets. Answer sheets provided of course. Great for revision or give to the brighter pupils to keep them active.) Maths Patterns 100,000 Questions Numeracy Simplifying Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Mathematics KS2
Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Summer term for year 2. You get 50 mb of material so good value imo. Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz P.E. (a bit) R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this. Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals. Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste. Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 5 Autumn Numeracy Mathematics Planning  & Telling Time Worksheets

Year 5 Autumn Numeracy Mathematics Planning & Telling Time Worksheets

Reclaim your Sundays! Year 5 Autumn planning for Mathematics. Plus great worksheets on Telling the Time. 13 weeks worth of Maths plans. Adapt them for your school. Cut ans paste and adapt to your needs. Topics include Counting, portioning and calculating 3d shapes Securing number facts, calculating, identifying relationships and many more
Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

A great unit on healthy eating. Lovely series of 5 powerpoints plus bits and bobs. sample planning : Keeping healthy In this unit we will learn: · there are many aspects to keeping healthy · about the heart · how heartbeat is affected by exercise · how early ideas about diet & health were tested Enquiry Skill Focus: · repeating measurements · representing data in bar charts and graphs and interpreting these · using results to draw conclusions Begin by discussing ‘science’ with the class. What do they think of the subject? Can they name any important scientific skills? Introduce topic and ask children what they think the word ‘health’ means. Talk with talk partners. Children to find definition in dictionary and write class definition on strips of paper for display wall. Lead into a class discussion on keeping healthy; can the children predict what sorts of topics we might we might be covering? Can the HA children predict what SC1 investigations we might be carrying out? Introduce children to the resources which will be available to help them during this topic; the working wall plus table mats. Explain that each science topic will have a topic page and a glossary. This glossary gives the definitions of important vocabulary which they will come across during the unit. Activity One Children to feed back and complete class prior knowledge map. (Even if facts are not correct, add them on and clear up misconceptions throughout unit.) Children could add to their own map in a different colour any facts they have not got, which their peers suggest.
15000 Questions on Pythagoras Answers Provided Mathematics Geometry KS2 Vol 2

15000 Questions on Pythagoras Answers Provided Mathematics Geometry KS2 Vol 2

15000 questions on Pythagoras. All answers provided. Students have to use their calculators to work out the length of the third side of a triangle. The first 5000 questions I have used small numbers, the next third medium numbers and the last third large numbers. Answer sheets provided. A good little exercise for your students. Using a calculator this should keep them busy and help you teach Pythagoras’ theorem
Science Interdependence Adaptation  Food Chains Planning Year 5 and 6

Science Interdependence Adaptation Food Chains Planning Year 5 and 6

Massive amount of planning. Over a dozen powerpoints. More than six documents. More than a dozen word documents. Example planning : Pose the question – when we go into the supermarket, how can you find the things you want to buy? Lead into a discussion about how similar things are put together. If you want apples, you go to the fruit and veg section; if you want ice cream you go to the freezer. It saves time and makes the shopping easier. Scientists do a similar thing with living organisms. There are so many varied plants and animals, scientists need to keep dividing them into smaller groups to identify them. How would they do this? What would they look for? Explain that they look for similarities and differences to put the plants and animals into groups. Explain that we talk about the ‘plant kingdom’ and the ‘animal kingdom’. Animal Kingdom – how many different species of animals do the children think are on Earth? Take estimates. 800 000 They can be broadly broken into Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone. Invertebrates do not. What group do humans fit into? Activity One Use PowerPoint to talk through each group and their characteristics.
Grammar Teaching Materials Powerpoints Teaching Materials Worksheets

Grammar Teaching Materials Powerpoints Teaching Materials Worksheets

Gathered together all my Grammar teaching materials from Primary school. The zip contains them all. Over 170 mb of stuff. I’ve included a few examples in the ordinary upload so you can look. sample: Start by reviewing homework and making a list for the working wall. Define each type of word: Noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Build up a sentence as we go. Show the children a picture on the whiteboard of a horse galloping and of a lightning bolt. Children to write down 3 (LA) or 5(MA and HA) important nouns from the picture. Share. On the left of the noun, children to write an adjective to modify or describe the noun. Share. After the noun, children to write a verb and then an adverb to qualify the verb. e.g. The black horse galloped elegantly along the beach. Children to have 5 minutes to read and digest their new writing target. Ask any questions if necessary. Praise the children on yesterday’s literacy work – they showed knowledge of the function of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs (HA showed knowledge of the difference between common, proper and pro nouns). Children to name a range of punctuation – I record on the board (I do not add to it at this point). Ask volunteers to illustrate uses of the punctuation named. Look on the punctuation pyramid – have we named any L5 punctuation? This is what we should be aiming at all the time. Children to have a variety of sentences to up level punctuation on their whiteboards. Come back to ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’. Read through all of the captions and talk about ‘reading’ the illustration. Allow children time to talk about the ‘mystery’ – what do they think happened to Harris Burdick? Choose a picture from ‘The Mysteries…’ and list all of the questions which it provokes. What do children think of the pictures? Do the captions answer any of the questions? Talk about the settings in the pictures – often they are recognisable, familiar settings where things are not as they seem. Explain that we would call this ‘Stories in a familiar setting’. Model the task.
Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Looking for a big set of display material for the new academic year? I have collected together all my collection from decades in teaching Primary school level. Aimed a little at the top end as that is where I spent most years. Lots of stuff. Vcop stuff Maths stuff. RE stuff Art. Over 400 files. Word, pdf, excel etc
Safeguarding Awareness week SEAL PSHE  Relationships Bullying

Safeguarding Awareness week SEAL PSHE Relationships Bullying

One thing I enjoyed teaching was SEAL material. I taught in a number of primary schools and have gathered all my stuff together. Covers all years but especially years 4 5 and 6. You get absolutely loads in the zip. I’ve uploaded a few powerpoints for you to look at. Loads of topics covered such as health, relationships, bullying etc
Year 6 Maths Numeracy Planning 890 Files 400mb Planning

Year 6 Maths Numeracy Planning 890 Files 400mb Planning

I’ve put together my planning from a school I taught in. You get a massive 890 files and over 400mb of planning. Spread over a number of years, you may wish to form for your own use your own lessons by combining elements of various lessons. The zip contains the lot. I’ve included a few in the general upload so you can peruse.
SEAL PSHE Year 5 and 6 Planning Well Being Week Multi Faith Anti Bullying

SEAL PSHE Year 5 and 6 Planning Well Being Week Multi Faith Anti Bullying

Did a lot of work in my career with year 5 and 6 in the aspect of PSHE SEAL etc. Gathered together my planning. Some good powerpoints in here. There’s planning for a Multi Faith week that covers the whole school. Well being week covers the whole school too. Topics tackeld include : healthy eating feelings new beginnings getting on and falling out going for goals relationships problem solving going for goals sample planning Objectives • I know that my relationships are all different and that different ways of behaving are appropriate to different types of relationships. • I can accept and appreciate people’s friendship and try not to demand more than they are able or wish to give. Activities Ask the children to think of as many different friends as they can (in and out of school), then to think about the following questions for a few moments, then to share their thoughts in pairs for 2 minutes. Do you like all your friends in the same way? • Do you like doing the same thing with all of your friends? • Do you tend to see some friends only in certain situations? • Would you want to see all of your friends all the time? Take feedback, and hold these ideas. Teacher to demonstrate Levels of Friendship circles on the board, starting in the centre with close friends and family, second circle –good friends/cousins etc, third circle, third circle –people in school/relatives you see rarely, fourth circle –people who are acquaintances or know slightly –postman, doctor etc. Give out copies of the Levels of friendship resource sheet and ask children to complete the sheet for themselves. They will not need to share it with anyone. Plenary When the children have finished, or the allocated time has elapsed, facilitate a brief discussion as a class, drawing out the point that we all tend to have friendships at different levels, and this is OK. We do not want to be best friends with all of our friends. Some of us have many friends, some prefer to have one close friend. Outcomes Children will recognise the different relationships that they have with people that they know, and recognise that these differing relationships are fine to have.
Religion Story of the People of God Lots of Planning Catholic Flavour

Religion Story of the People of God Lots of Planning Catholic Flavour

Lots of great planning. The unit covers: Start to understand the structure of the Bible. Research some different styles of writing found in the Bible. Discuss some of the important figures in the OT and understand why and how they had a special relationship with God. Analyse The story of the fall. Know the story of Cain and Abel. Relate the story to our relationships with friends and family. Know the story of Manna from Heaven. (Exodus 16: 1-18) Understand why God provided for the needs of his people. Empathise with all involved. Explain how we can show our love for God through our obedience of the ten commandments. Sample planning : Introduce the new unit to the children and explain that, through this five week unit of RE, we will be learning about some of the different styles of literature found in the Bible. We will also be learning about some significant people from the Old Testament and their relationship with God. Introduce the LO. Display the word ‘ancestors’ on the board and children to TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word. Take feedback from class. Share meaning and address any misconceptions. Children to think about stories that they know about their family and the ancestors that went before them. Talk about people who research their family tree – they are researching their ancestors. The people who came before them. Discuss the program ‘Who do you think you are?’ on BBC 1. Show the opening credits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCeWuSgiqHI Discuss the title of the program. Don’t these celebrities already know who they are? They know their own names, their dates of birth, their parents’ names: what else are they looking for? Discuss how a knowledge of where we have come from, might help us to understand or plan where we need to go to. Bring this back to the Bible. The Bible is a library of books which gives us information about our ancestors – the people of God. Explain to the children that the Bible contains the story of the Jewish people in the Old Testament and is the foundation of the story of the Christian people in the New Testament. Revise work from Year 4 about the Bible being a library of books rather than just one book. (Use the ‘books of the Bible’ slide on PPT). Ch to count up how many books in the Bible – 39 in OT, 27 in NT – 66 in total
Short Christmas Play Ideal for Assembly The Story of Christmas Year 4 Assembly

Short Christmas Play Ideal for Assembly The Story of Christmas Year 4 Assembly

A nice play for a Christmas assembly. About 12 pages. Sample : Part 1: KIRA - Narrator 1: The time leading up to Christmas is a busy one, and sometimes we can forget what the message of good news it brings. We would like you to imagine that this good news event is being broadcast to you today, live! EMILY - Narrator 2: Our report, and the beginning of Christianity, is set in Nazareth. In the town, Jewish families were living under Roman occupation. These families had become poor due to King Herod’s heavy taxes. Nearly all the money the Jews earned went to Herod and the Romans so that they could afford new weapons and lovely food and clothes. RICKY - Narrator 3: In the town lived a very religious Jewish family: the daughter of this family was called Mary. When Mary was about 14 years old she became engaged to Joseph, a talented carpenter. SONG: Nazareth (NATIVITY) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNDcWruJ4IY Things are really cool in Nazareth. Our city is full of joy, Cause this is where girl meets boy. Barely had a school in Nazareth. There they join hand in hand, side by side, they will stand. A wedding is being planned. Here in Nazareth. Nazareth our place to live. Always willing to forgive. Nazareth will bring us well. We can hear those wedding bells. Feeling in a fix in Nazareth. Rules are to be obeyed, Arrangements are being made. Got to get your kicks in Nazareth Baby, you’ll run away Start at a brand new day Still we can not betray Good old Nazareth.” <Play news theme – Have playing on a screen during broadcast?> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj5Rc60fJ2M ASHTON - Newsreader 1: Hello. And welcome to this breaking news update. We begin our report with the news of wedding preparations that are under way for Mary and Joseph who are pledged to be married. Tonight, however, Mary was woken from a deep sleep by a gentle voice.